AnterAja Service is More Effective with Centralized Data Reports in the CRM System
AnterAja's productivity has increased because by using Barantum, all of the data has been centralized and stored in one place.

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Barantum has a flexible system and complete features to increase the productivity and performance of the Anteraja team.
More Effective Business with Modern Technology From Barantum CRM
As a company engaged in logistics services, AnterAja aims to provide convenience and logistics solutions by providing a variety of delivery services. The company, which began operating in 2019, is growing rapidly and is in demand by the public as one of the most popular choices for logistics services. Especially during the pandemic, making the Satria, as AnterAja's couriers are called, get a lot of shipments that need to be delivered.
The more AnterAja is known in the community, the more it demands AnterAja to maintain and improve its business services. AnterAja took the initiative to integrate its business with the latest technology to make business operations more effective. To meet these needs, AnterAja chose Barantum CRM to help make their work easier.
“Before Barantum existed, everyone worked without any tools or assistance. That is, all data is stored separately, all files used for collaboration are also stored separately. So, that will be very difficult when we have to work together," said Mutiara Muslim, Head of IT Digital Office AnterAja.
After 3.5 years working at AnterAja, Mutiara became one of the employees who knows AnterAja's journey to becoming one of the leading logistics service providers in Indonesia. Until finally AnterAja used Barantum CRM in 2020.
"Before using Barantum, record all activities in online documents where we cannot protect online documents in such a way and we cannot set data types either. However, with Barantum, everything is standardized," said Mutiara. “Then, there was a time when we as a company that prioritized technology needed to think about how to digitize the processes in this company. Where Barantum is our solution in the CRM area, both in terms of sales and after sales support."
Since three years of using Barantum CRM, Mutiara said that the use of the Barantum system was quite extensive, starting from the sales division which made it easier to manage leads to deals to improve the customer service team services for after sales support.
"In terms of use, Barantum is easy to use. Apart from being flexible, it can be used in mobile or web applications, in my opinion Barantum can be used by people of all ages or education," said Mutiara.
Not only in terms of user-friendly and flexible use, Mutiara also feels very helped by the superior features of Barantum CRM. "The Barantum feature itself is very, very helpful to me with its out of the box solution. Where for the sales division, this system has set up and configured the application in such a way as to the general process that usually occurs in sales activities. Plus to record all the data needed until the level of flexibility can also be arranged. So the self service tools are quite helpful.”
"Barantum also has a Workflow feature that will support the automation process needed for certain processes. And, AnterAja's productivity has increased quite a bit. Because in the phase when we are using Barantum, the data has been centralized, all stored in one place. Everything is standardized depending on what we configure the data for. It's quite easy to generate, process and export data now," said Mutiara explaining her experience using Barantum.
Not only in terms of system quality, Barantum also has good quality in customer service. Mutiara said that the response of the Barantum team was quick and easy to contact the Barantum team from various communication channels. "The response from the Barantum team that I know has always been ready. And, as a channel they are quite open. So we can contact directly from the Barantum application, contact center, or you can also via the Barantum Official WhatsApp. So, we have quite a lot of access to ask for help or support from the response of the Barantum team," said Mutiara.
Concluding the conversation, Mutiara said that all types of businesses have sales and after sales activities. In the digitalization era, if you combine the customer relationship management process with the digitization of the Barantum system, it can be a solution for business.